
Kaffee! Schnell!

ludwig van beethoven sitting at the piano composing his fifth symphony
An intense-looking man walks into a Starbucks. He begins shouting loudly in German: "Kaffee! Schnell!" The barista shouts back angrily: "Compose yourself!" and hands him a tall cup of the house blend. He knocks it back immediately and once again shouts:

"Kaffee! SCHNELL!"

The barista, annoyed at the man's crude behavior, hands him another cup of coffee; he proceeds to chug it in several large gulps before beginning his unruly screaming once more:


He quickly downs the next cup of coffee that the barista brings him.

This happens two more times before the barista has finally had it. She shouts at the man:

"COMPOSE YOURSELF! This is your FIFTH!" and realizes with some embarrassment that the man is deaf. She continues, "Clearly these cups are too small. What size would you like now?"

The man exclaims, "Beethoventi!"

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